A father had three sons. The firstborn honored his father, but he was stubborn and obstinate. The second had a good heart and loved his father, but he was easily led astray. The third was as loyal a son as any father has ever seen, but as a brother he was hateful and often cursed his own blood.
Many came to the man, saying, “You should cast out your stubborn and obstinate son,” or, “Stop allowing your wayward son to return to you,” or, “Your hateful son will be your downfall.”
But the father only replied, “They are my sons, and I love them all.”
Finding Your Unique Path to Follow Jesus
1 week ago
True love derives from the Lover, not the one loved.
I see this parable dealing with humanity's limitations to showing love and judging each other. The three sons show diversity that each of us can identify with at different times in our lives or on certain issues, people, or God. Each son was known for his love, but also for the limitations of their actions. People around the family judged and rejected the sons because of their actions and the father accepted and loved them because of their love for the father. Aspire to see people beyond what they do.
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