A man laid out a great feast and threw a lavish party for his guests. Hundreds of people came to the man’s party, but all of the guests had eaten before they arrived, so they looked at the man’s table of food, turned up their noses and left.
At first the man called after them, asking them to come back. But few returned, so the man packed up all the food, put it in his vehicle and took it down to a homeless shelter. About fifty people were at the shelter, and upon seeing the amount of food that the man had, how fine it was, and knowing that they had friends starving all over town, they immediately ran to tell their friends. Soon there were more than five hundred people at the shelter, and each made sure that his friend had enough before he ate his fill.
In so doing, everyone was full, and all were grateful to the man for providing such a fine banquet.
So the Lord’s table is full, but if you take too much from the world, you will turn up your nose even when He offers you the greatest gifts. But those who are poor of spirit and possessions and hungering for what He has to provide, will eat their fill and bring others to the table as well.
Finding Your Unique Path to Follow Jesus
1 week ago
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