A group of people were hiking through the mountains. The snow was blowing, the wind was howling, and the group was wondering when and where they would be able to sleep.
Suddenly, they came upon a little house. Its windows were glowing brightly with the flickering light of a warm fire. Smoke rose from the chimney and the smell of good food came from the place.
As the group approached, the door was thrown open and the man who owned the house said, "Come in, come in. It is so cold out tonight. There is plenty of space in my house for all of you. And I have plenty of food for all to eat. All I ask is that you be respectful of me and of one another. Come in and enjoy the warmth!"
A few members of the group rushed to the man crying, "Thank you! We are hungry and tired, and we are so glad to see you."
But most of the group remained outside yelling at the man. "Rules?!" they yelled. "You don't get to tell us the rules in your house! We will do whatever we want to do." Then they spat insults at the man.
"What are you doing?" their friends asked them. "Come inside with us. Don't insult this man who is showing such hospitality. It's cold and dark out here. Come inside with us."
But the rest of the group sat down in the snow in protest. So the man ushered in the few who wanted his hospitality, then closed the door behind him. And though he left it unlocked should anyone want to enter, not one of that arrogant group got up to join their friends.
His yoke is easy, and his burden is light. What is the harm in joining him? Consider the consequences of rejecting him.
Finding Your Unique Path to Follow Jesus
1 week ago
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