If you have seen my earlier posts, then you've seen the link to my website www.thebibleinrhyme.com. Today I received a rejection letter from a prospective agent. No big deal. Publishing is a business, and I understand wanting to put your money into something you truly believe in.
And maybe that's why I feel it's such a slam dunk. Because I believe in it. I am so compelled to get this project out into the market. I feel that this was a gift that God gave me to share with the world. It's the light He has asked me to shine, and I cannot hide it under a bowl. I can't turn down God. I won't turn down God. I have to do what He wants of me.
So tonight I felt like sharing one of the psalms as praise to God. So here is Psalm 8. I would love your feedback today. Not praise, but true and honest feedback. But do me a favor. After you read it and before you post a comment, read it out loud. And praise God!
Psalm 8
O Lord how majestic Your name is in all
of the Earth and I sing it wherever I go.
Praise issues out from the children so small,
that stops up the tongues of every foe.
The work of Your hands in the blackness of space
is seen in the moon and the stars set above.
Heavenly bodies that you put in place.
What is a man, that you should so love?
For You set us just a bit lower than Thee
and crowned us as rulers with glory and honor
over the birds and the beasts and the sea;
to rule over Earth and all that’s upon her.
As governors over the great and the small
we are but servants who bow down so low.
O Lord, how majestic Your name is in all
of the Earth and I sing it wherever I go.
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