There were three boys. One who was smart, one who was full of faith, and one who was smart and full of faith.
The smart boy was easily convinced that God had to prove His own existence, or else he could not exist at all.
The boy full of faith loved God, but was easily led astray by men who could use his faith against him.
But the boy who was both smart and full of faith was neither arrogant, nor easily fooled. Though he looked for God's existence, he knew that the man could never truly prove nor disprove God. And though men came along thinking they could lead him astray, he knew their selfish motives, and he also knew what God wanted of him.
Intellectuals who put the burden of proof upon God show their own foolish. And fools and believe blindly show their ignorance. God did not give you intelligence to be ignored, nor did He give you eyes to be blind.
Finding Your Unique Path to Follow Jesus
1 week ago
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