What's also exciting is that my brother's website is up, www.bryceholt.com, and his book also hit Amazon & BN.com. Hooray! What a great day!
As an aside, I've been doing a lot of book signing lately, and I try to put in a passage that I think can resonate with someone. I've got 2 in particular that I really like. I figured I'd share them.
Isaiah 9:1 - 9:7
The gloom shall be lifted. Believers shall see.
In the future God’s glory comes from Galilee.
For those who have lived in the shadow of death,
the yoke shall be lifted. I shout with each breath,
unto the world a child is born!
A son shall be given. Great titles adorn:
Counselor, Mighty God, and Prince of Peace.
His greatness increases. His love shall not cease.
On David’s throne he shall reign and uphold
a righteousness that is both honest and bold,
and justice that no man upon Earth may sever.
And so he shall reign forever and ever.
Matthew 9:9 - 9:13
Jesus left and as he passed a tax booth,
he told the man there, “I tell you the truth,
follow me and you’ll gain much more than here.”
And so Matthew gave up his taxing career.
Then Matthew asked Jesus to come in and eat
with him so his friends could come there and meet
the Messiah. But when all the Pharisees saw,
they said, “Jesus scoffs and curses the law.
Look at this man who dines amongst sin.”
On hearing this, Jesus said, “Doctors treat men
who are sick, not the healthy. So let me be clear.
I want mercy, not sacrifice. That’s why I’m here.”
I'm so excited for what's to come - and I hope these passages speak to you like they do to me.
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