There was a man who had ten sons. His youngest was hotheaded and rebellious who ran away from home when he was fifteen years old. When the police brought him home, the man hugged the boy tight and kissed him. But the man’s neighbors told him, “You should disown him, for he has disowned you.”
“No,” the man said, “I love my son.”
When the boy was sixteen, he was caught in a robbery while on drugs. Each Saturday the man went to visit his son in Juvenile Hall. But his neighbors said, “Look what has become of your son. You should disown him as we told you to do a year ago.”
“I will not,” the man said. “I love my son.”
When the boy was nineteen, the son killed a man and was sentenced to life in prison. The man’s neighbors said, “See! We told you. Now you must disown him.”
“Never!” the man said.
“But you have nine good sons. Why have you spent so much time on this wicked son? He has brought you nothing but pain.”
“I will never turn from any of my sons. If I do not love and forgive my son, how can I ever expect God to forgive my own sins.”
Finding Your Unique Path to Follow Jesus
1 week ago
I've been reading! Thank you for continuing your work, and thank God he doesn't give up on us.
Thanks for reading, Nick! It's good to hear from you again...and it's good to be back in the US again.
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