Two boats were upon the sea when a powerful storm blew up. The first boat was small and crewed by only one man. He fought to keep his boat righted in the storm, but it was his strength against the gale of the hurricane, and he was capsized by the waves.
The second boat had a full crew, all knowing and doing their jobs. They pulled down the sales and battened down each hatch. Despite the fury of the waves, they could not overcome the team of men. And when the storm had passed, not one man was lost.
So one man alone is not safe in a storm, but when surrounded by friends the full gale cannot reach him.
God wanted man to be surrounded in friendship, so He made for Adam a companion in Eve, and when He saw Adam and Eve together it was good. So too, the son gathered disciples to him, knowing that alone he would not accomplish his full mission after his death.
Even the sun is not meant to be alone, for it has gathered the planets to it.
In fellowship, a man is like a thick tree trunk that cannot be easily cut down.
Finding Your Unique Path to Follow Jesus
1 week ago
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